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charlton!! scooba diving sounds so fun! and in australia too! sucks that i won't be seeing you but i hope you have fun, i mean that's a whole new.. continent!! haha do i sound blond..
correction: evan is going to be in taiwan 12/22-1/4, so he's leaving on the same day as you chrissy! did you guys plan this or something? haha well he's gonna be staying at his aunt's so you can stay with me if you want! :)
btw, is angela's email still the same? i hope she knows ab0ut this blog.. i emailed to her angelwings address.
i'm currently in midterms right now (two on tue., two on wed.) and i'm not very fond of reading about japanese history. >"< remember apush and all those history classes? and those were in english too! grr... maybe somedays i'll decide to post in japanese! hehe.. oh and kafung, yes blogger supports a bunch of languages you just have to change the settings.
back to studying! haha i've become quite a studybug..
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